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Ecommerce Marketing Plan

페이지 정보

조회 25회 작성일 22-10-18 13:43


Idea of Service
The present labor deals with advertising proposal of e-commerce service. It highlights the essential steps of marketing of a brand-new firm offering services of site construction, development, programming, design, and promotion. The service must be provided exclusively online via the site of the company. Online business operations incorporate ordering, agreement on prerequisites, elaboration of design, as well as providing regular support.

The service implementation process must add the following stages:
- Defining objectives of the web site. This may include either physical meeting or perhaps discussion of the product in question via Internet.
- Developing the internet site structure. This particular phase is aimed at flashing out technical elements of the web site. It has to include definition of technology which is needed, profit singularity (simply click the up coming post) specifications and type of site navigation.
- Website design and built. Developing layout and graphics of the web site. This could include elaborating the company's genuine creative approach in building the graphic looks of the purchase, or complying with the specifications presented by the buyer regarding broad look and feel of the venture.
- Website programming and built. This phase depends on specifics of each specific project and clear needs posed as with the quality and degree of the website. Additionally, this process varies according to the kind of customer and destination of the site contemplated. All features of the website are subject to test and examination by both company's customer and specialist.
- Technical release of the website. When technical elements of the project finished, the customer must be provided with consultation that is free together with further website marketing and promotion services, techniques, and practical advice.

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