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10 Things You Learned In Kindergarden Which Will Help You With Railroa…

페이지 정보

조회 13회 작성일 23-09-25 18:40


Laryngeal Cancer and Railroad Settlement

Railroad workers are exposed to diesel exhaust, asbestos and other harmful substances. If you've developed cancer or another illness that you suspect is linked to your job in the railroad industry Contact a knowledgeable FELA lawyer.

Speech and language therapy may be an option when your cancer is progressing and you need to undergo surgery to remove your voice box (laryngectomy). You can also get an implanted voice to aid you in speaking.


The Federal Employers Liability Act (FELA) allows railroad workers to file lawsuits directly against their employer if they can prove they were exposed to asbestos or other dangerous chemicals while at work. These toxic exposures can cause serious side-effects which include cancer and other illnesses. While lung cancer is the most well-known disease connected to railroad work, many other diseases can be traced to the time working in the field.

When a worker is diagnosed with an illness linked to their job they could require extensive medical treatment that is expensive. Additionally, they could be affected by a loss of wages and other financial difficulties.

A railroad cancer settlement can help pay for these expenses. The initial settlement offer could be much less than the individual is entitled. An attorney experienced in railroad injury cases could analyze a settlement to make sure that it is in line with the requirements of the victim.

Doran & Murphy successfully represented an engine from the past who developed laryngeal cancer caused by railroad how to get a settlement carcinoma as a result of exposure to toxic chemicals. Throughout his career he used degreasing chemicals on trains and handled contaminated fuels, silica, and how did railroads encourage settlement of the west asbestos. The plaintiff alleged that these exposures led to his cancer and other chronic illnesses. He was awarded $7.5 Million in damages.

Legal Representation

In the 19th and early 20th centuries, railroad employees had to work in hazardous conditions that put their lives at risk of accidents such as collisions or derailments. They also had to be exposed to toxic substances like asbestos and diesel exhaust. If these exposures resulted into a diagnosis of cancer, the worker and his or family members could be entitled to compensation.

If a railway worker develops cancer it is recommended that they consult a lawyer for how did railroads encourage settlement of the west (Dan-darin-mako.hatenablog.com) who is experienced in discussing their options. They should not wait until the time limit expires. If their cancer is linked to exposure to radiation in the workplace, they may be entitled to a substantial amount of compensation.

For example, in a case brought rad caused by railroad how to get a settlement Doran & Murphy on behalf of an engineer who was a former Locomotive Engineer with the Grand Trunk Railway, a jury awarded damages of $872,000 after concluding that the railroad injury settlements's exposure to asbestos and diesel fumes aml caused by railroad how to get a settlement his throat cancer. The award was not made after taking into consideration the engineer's history of smoking cigarettes, because it was evident from the evidence that the exposure to diesel fumes as well as asbestos while at work was the cause of his condition.

Hughes Law Offices provides case histories to inform visitors about the actual facts of the case and rulings. The cases discussed in this section were not handled by the Hughes Law Offices unless otherwise mentioned. To find out more about the verdicts and settlements obtained in these instances check out our Verdicts & Settlements page.


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