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The Good, The Bad and White Electric Stove Fire

페이지 정보

조회 14회 작성일 23-02-21 02:28


Be Modern Electric Stoves

The Be Modern Qube electric stove comes with a large fan that has a 2kW output to warm the room within a matter of seconds. The stove is small and can be set up in an open fireplace or freestanding. The eco-friendly LED lights provide the unit realistic flame effects. The stove also has two heat settings as well as an option for light-only settings to make it easier for you to use.

Modern Banbury electric stove

The Be Modern Banbury electric stove has a Matt Black finish and electric stove heater cream a 2kW heat output. It also features an adjustable flame effect setting with glowing log bed and realistic log lighting. The stove uses the latest LED flame technology to give an authentic flame effect. The low energy consumption of this stove is also one of the main advantages.

The Be Modern Banbury electric stove fires freestanding fireplace stove is perfect for the standard 16" fireplace opening. The flame effect is extremely realistic , and it features thermostatic and side controls. It has a long-lasting life and uses a minimal amount of energy. The Be Modern Banbury is a beautiful addition to any home.

The Be Modern Banbury electric stove is an excellent alternative to a traditional wood stove. It creates a warm and comfortable atmosphere, and can be used in any room. Unlike a traditional wood burning stove This electric stove can be used all year long. You can choose between 1 or 2 kW heat output. You can also utilize the flame effect to simulate a wood fire.

Be Modern Espire electric stove

The Be Modern Espire Electric Stove in Matt Black Finish 15784 is an electric stove that is freestanding with a beautiful flame pattern and a realistic glowing coal bed. With its 2kW power output it's an excellent alternative to a wood burning. It comes with a 2-year warranty and can be used in any room of your home.

It is easy to set up and comes with manual controls. The hinged door conceals the controls. The Be Modern Espire Electric Stove Heater Cream stove can be set in the middle of a room or in a corner without any extra wiring. If you wish an attractive flue outlet can be added.

The Be Modern Espire Electric Stove in Matt Black Finish 15784 has a realistic glowing coal bed as well as an authentic coal fuel bed. The stove can be controlled thermostatically through the remote control, or by manual override. The Espire comes in two colors: matt black and white ash. The Espire Electric Stove is capable of producing 2 kW heat and comes with a 2-year warranty.

Be Modern Qube electric stove

The freestanding Be Modern Qube electric fireplace blends modern styling with an inviting ambience. The Qube is available in Matt Black and can be employed as a stand-alone feature or alongside a fireplace. It only requires one plug-in to create the right mood and make the room comfortable.

The Be Modern Qube electric stove has a sleek, modern design and an edge-door window. The stove's glowing log fuel bed and realistic flame effect creates a wood fired effect. The stove comes with thermostat controls, a warm log effect and a realistic flame.

With a 2kW heat output it is the Be Modern Qube can be easily placed in a fireplace , or placed free-standing in a room. The fan-heater in the bottom provides an additional 2kW of heat. The attractive silver door handle complements its sleek design.


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